Thursday, December 10, 2009


Tourists are temmporary visitors . They are the travellers and their purpose of travel is to get pleasur in their leisure.
Different types of definations of Tourists:-
The oxford Distionary defines as; "a person who does the act of tour" or Person travelling or visiting a place for recreation" and the word 'tour is defined as "Journey through a place kof interest". so the tourists is; a person who travel to different places of interests for reaction
In 1942 two Swiss professors Hunzir and Krapf defined as ;
"Tourists is a non resident and is not connected with any earning activity."
Yanjna Rai defines as
"visitors staying at least 24 hours, but not more than one year, in the country visited the purpose of whose trip can be classified under one of the following , sports;
  • pleasure, recreation, holiday ,sport.
  • Business, visiting friendss and relatives mission metting etc.

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